Na h-Eileanan an Iar MSP Alasdair Allan and MP Angus MacNeil have voiced their concern over scoping services within NHS Western Isles after being contacted by several constituents experiencing delays or difficulties in accessing endoscopy or colonoscopy appointments.
Both Western Isles Hospital and Ospadal Uibhist agus Bharraigh were unable to host scoping appointments for the latter part of last year due to technical issues with the equipment. While scoping services are now being carried out again at both Hospitals, many patients are still waiting for appointments.
Alasdair Allan and Angus MacNeil have both been in contact with NHS Western Isles about the situation.
Alasdair Allan MSP commented:
“I have had a number of constituents in touch with me since August regarding the unavailability of colonoscopy and endoscopy services.
“While I understand the Health Board was able to source appointments at mainland hospitals for some patients, there have been too many people experiencing too much of a wait.”
Mr MacNeil said: “Whatever the technical issues in one part of Scotland, people should not be made to wait.
“I am writing to the Health Minister to have an urgent overview on patient risk in this hiatus. Scopes should be brought in or people transported out - waiting is not an allowable luxury in this situation.”