The SNP MSP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Alasdair Allan, will today back a Scottish Government motion calling on the UK Labour Government to deliver a Rural Visa Pilot scheme. This would help ensure that the needs of island employers, communities and public service were better reflected within the immigration system.
Scotland’s rural and island communities have long relied on and welcomed immigration to meet their unique hospitality, agriculture and health sector needs among many other sectors. However, the UK Government’s decision to pursue a hard Brexit and implement anti-immigrant agendas have caused serious labour shortages in many parts Scotland.
Whilst immigration is reserved to Westminster, the Scottish Government will call on the UK Government to honour previous commitments to introduce rural visas.
In the run up to the debate, Allan commented:
“There can be no doubt that immigration to Scotland, particularly to our island communities, is vital for the growth of our public services, businesses, and wider economy. But the Western Isles are currently being disadvantaged by a system that does not work for us, nor does Holyrood have the powers to make the necessary changes.
“During the General Election campaign, the Labour Party in Scotland indicated a UK Labour Government would be open to a Rural Visa Pilot scheme. However, the scheme has now been rejected and no credible alternative has been presented by the UK Government.
“Despite Sir Keir Starmer’s promise of putting Scotland at the heart of his government, there is precious little evidence of this when it comes to rural visas.
“I hope that today’s debate will send a message to Westminster that the Scottish Government is ready to work constructively with the UK Government in order to reform the current immigration system into one that can directly benefit the Western Isles and other rural communities.
“Ultimately, of course, Scotland would not need to lobby Westminster on an issue like this, if the powers on immigration lay in Scotland, as they would if Scotland were an independent nation.”